Tuesday, December 11

Release: Training Micromonk

Release date: 2007, December 11
Author: sixFingers
Title: Training Micromonk

We are proud to present our first, little title!
It is a remake of an old pc game I can't even remember the name of.
It was made in a week or so.
Keep the balance for about twenty minutes, through ten levels of difficulty, trying to reach your zen!
But.. pay attention to the turbulent atmosphere of Tibetan mountains.

Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I tried the game.

When you say 'we', how many people did it take to make this game?

It was fun for a short while, but lacks longer playability

Anonymous said...

Hi, i'm from Mantova too :)

I tried the game and I agree with em..lacks longer playability, maybe some power-ups or things like that would help!

Oh, by the way i'm working on a flash game too, but i'm still working on graphics, i'm not very skilled at drawing stuff :).
How did you make your symbols? Drew them and then scanned them or drew them directly on the pc?

Anyways...Keep up your good work! :)

Ignazio said...

'We' are 'me' :)
We should be two, but my mate left italy and his life to find himself...
And yes, i know, it's boring. Really it was more a production test than a *BIG* title.

Wow felicissimo di sentire il parere di un compatriota :)
Frequenti il centro? Mantova è un paesino, probabilmente ti conosco!
Condivido in pieno la tua critica (leggi la mia risposta a em).
Le grafiche, invece, sono state disegnate col mouse e tanto caffé.
Flash è fenomenale nel produrre rapidamente bei vettori.
Fammi sapere qualcosa di te, Bordello è sempre in cerca di talenti!

Anonymous said...

A volte ci vado in centro ma non spesso perchè sto a porto mantovano!
Ma comunque io mi sono avvicinato da poco a flash...ho fatto dei mini giochini come basket e un mini sparatutto visto di lato (alla worms) anche se alla fine non le ho mai messe su internet per mancanza di grafica praticamente (soprattutto nel caso del basket, che è ormai totalmente completato per quanto riguarda il codice), parlo di cose semplici comunque! Ho provato anche a fare qualcosa di 'multiplayer' con il server virtuale smartfox anche se mi sono scoraggiato presto, perchè non sono mai riuscito a risolvere il problema dei ritardi(lag) tra l'invio e la ricezione dei dati! Comunque flash mi piace! se solo avessi più idee e fossi bravo a disegnare!


Anonymous said...


the game looks very good.
And I like the music very much ;-)
What developing tool did you use to create it?

Ignazio said...

Macromedia Flash 8 and Lavazza Espresso :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ignazio. Great job with the game, I love it! One suggestion, please install a contact form on your site, it's really hard to get in touch with you :D I want to ask if you're interested in making a flash game for me for a paid project. Please e-mail me at radtudor (at) yahoo.com


Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to implement new features such as rocking when the monk is hit, objects coming with different velocities and maybe circular paths.

Also the fact that i can hold the button to block the attacks is not really cool. Probably because I like when the monk does a sudden motion and then rests.

Dig the background graphic and the type.

and btw happy to see you're still alive!
